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Year 7: Mondays even weeks with Ms Pistorello
Year 8: Mondays odd weeks with Ms Pistorello
Year 9: Tuesdays odd weeks with Ms Purnell
Year 10: Thursdays odd weeks with Mr Parker
Year 11: Tuesdays even weeks with Ms McDowall
Year 12: Thursdays even weeks with Ms Purnell
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Database of encyclopedias and reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
A database of cross-curricular content including topic overviews, articles, primary sources, biographies and essays.
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Ethnographic collections covering all aspects of cultural and social life.
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Trinity College BorrowBox Library
Maranne Purnell
Head of Library
Jena McDowall
Library Technician
Su Pistorello
Library Officer
Isaac Parker
Library Assistant
phone: 08 9219 1191
Monday-Thursday: 7.45 am - 5.00 pm
Friday: 7.45 am - 3.00 pm