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Course Selection: Information

Mapping out your subjects

Mapping out appropriate study directions for Year 11 and 12 students has become an important yet complex task for parents and students. There have, for example, been significant changes in courses in Years 11 and 12, as well as in the criteria relating to university and TAFE entrance.

Heading Into Year 11

During Year 10, students will have been thinking seriously about the decisions they must make for the next two years. The transition to study in Year 11 is an extremely important one involving a number of changes. In particular, the recent changes to the WACE requirements are a significant consideration for our Year 10s entering Year 11.

This site is designed to help each student and their parents to decide which courses will best suit their abilities, interests and aspirations.

Based on the experience of recent years, approximately one quarter of the students who continue with their studies through to Year 12 will leave to seek employment or continue their studies at the likes of TAFEWA. Approximately three quarters continue their studies at one of the universities.

When selecting courses for university, students should be enrolled in at least four ATAR Courses to maximize their chances for standard university admission.

It is important for students to realise that the courses required in Year 12 to maximize entry vary.

  • They vary in content and skills.
  • They vary in level of complexity
  • The learning styles involved vary and may not suit some students.

It is therefore important that students carefully consider their capacity to undertake those traditionally more difficult courses like Physics, Chemistry and the higher level Mathematics.

Heading Into Year 12

Furthermore, Year 12 is a highly competitive year with approximately 12,000 students aiming to receive a Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). Consequently, Year 11 students need to carefully evaluate their performance before selecting courses for Year 12. When doing so they should consider either:

  • Maintaining their current courses into Year 12;
  • Students may consider undertaking a subject that they have an interest in studying, but didn’t select in Year Eleven. Students who have experienced difficulties in Year Eleven should give careful consideration to selecting another General subject as opposed to a study line as this gives the opportunity to obtain another C grade or better in order to obtain the achievement of at least fourteen C grades or higher in Year 11 and 12 with a minimum of six C grades or the equivalent in Year 12. (Selecting an ATAR subject in Year 12 that was not studied in Year 11 is typically very challenging)
  • Changing their study pathway, by switching to a pathway that provides more chance of success, typically for a TAFE destination or alternative entry university programs; or,
  • Modifying their study program by reducing the number of ATAR courses studied, or, changing to courses that increase the likelihood of their success.
  • Considering a Certificate IV pathway. Candidates must have performed well in 3 English and be capable of completing a rigorous certificate course.
  • Choosing the Curtin Uni-ready course which allows access to Curtin if all components can be passed.

To Parents

Although this site has been primarily addressed to students, it has also been written for parents. We hope that, as a family, you will go through the material together so that decisions are made as a family group.


The College will have a 6 line grid. This effectively means that the boys will able to choose 6 subjects in Year 11 and 6 subjects in Year 12. The student’s load of six courses may consist of a combination of ATAR, General, Certificate and/or Vocational Education and Training courses.

An overview of possible Year 11 Learning Programs:

  • 6 ATAR courses
  • 5 ATAR courses, one General or Certificate course
  • 6 courses (Combination of ATAR and General)
  • 6 courses (Combination of ATAR, General, Certificate and/or Vocational Education and Training)

Careers Information and How to Obtain It

Making plans for the next few years will help students to achieve what they want to do. The student who looks ahead, and thinks about what jobs or courses of study will best suit his abilities, interests, and personality, will be happier and more content. Students are encouraged to make sure that they do not limit their interest to one choice! They should try to have several different possibilities in mind, and obtain information about all of them.

Career Resources

My Future

A resource program which has information on all sorts of career related topics e.g. education and training, employment and career development.

Job Outlook

A resource designed to help students make decisions about study, training and your first job.

Good Universities Guide

A resource providing career, course and scholarship information for students across Australia.

Course Seeker

A resource providing information on all Universities courses offered within Australia.

Careers/Transition Coordinator

Mr Kernutt is available for support and information relating to careers and transition from school. As part of their education towards independent living, students are encouraged to take responsibility by initiating their own appointments via SEQTA whenever possible.

Your Options

Most students will opt to progress to Years 11 and 12 at Trinity College. In doing so they hope to obtain Secondary Graduation (the Western Australian Certificate of Education – WACE) and qualify for entrance to university, TAFE, an apprenticeship or the workforce. The courses offered at Trinity College in Year 11 and 12 are well suited for students with these aspirations. In determining specific pathways, students should consider the following questions:

  1. How do your ambitions match up with those of your parents?
  2. Do you intend to apply for entry to a TAFE or a university after leaving school? If so, do you know which course or range of courses suits and interests you? Do you know what the Year 12 prerequisites are for these courses?
  3. If the answer to 2 is no, what do you hope to do when you leave school? Which courses would best equip you to meet these goals?

Be Realistic

It is important to realise that the courses required in Years 11 and 12 to maximise entry into TAFE or university vary.

  • They vary in content and skills.
  • They vary in level of complexity within the various stages.
  • The learning styles involved vary and may not suit some students.

Course Selection

A number of factors should be taken into consideration when selecting courses for Years 11 and 12. These include the student’s ability, interests and aspirations. If these correlate well then it should be possible for the student to arrange a programme that is both appropriate and interesting. It is best to make a selection that will keep the career options as open as possible while satisfying the student’s interests and abilities.

The following pathways should be kept in mind when selecting courses for Years 11 and 12.

Pathway Description Year 11 Year 12
Typical university oriented pathway ATAR ATAR
Curtin Uni Ready
Cert IV
Typical pathway to further training and/or employment General
Work Place Learning
Work Place Learning


Typically, university-bound students would study a program of courses at ATAR level (minimum of 4) over their senior secondary years. All ATAR courses can be included in the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for university entry.

It is important that students carefully consider their capacity to undertake studies, especially courses which are academically rigorous such as Chemistry, English Literature, higher level Mathematics and Physics.

Students who may be headed to TAFE and further education such as an apprenticeship would study a program of courses at the General level along with Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate programs.

Students should select courses on the basis of not only those which interest them, but mainly on the basis of those in which they have the background to achieve success. Experience has taught us that those students who are successful in Years 11 and 12 have normally demonstrated their ability in Years 7-10.

To guide students with their course selection this handbook provides students with the recommended minimum grades or percentage scores in Year 10 deemed to be the minimum standard to achieve satisfactorily in Year 11.

Students may have their grades reviewed during the year and may be given the opportunity to change their course choices. Students opting for the more difficult courses will have to continue achieving high grades throughout Year 10 if they wish to remain enrolled in those courses for Year 11.

Breadth of Study

It is a requirement for Secondary Graduation (completion and achievement of the Western Australian Certificate of Education - WACE) that students must complete in their final year at least one course from each of list A (Arts / Languages / Social Science) and list B (Mathematics / Science / Technology).

Courses Offered

The courses offered at Trinity College are as follows:

List A: Arts/Languages/Social Science List B: Mathematics/Science/Technology
AIS Aboriginal and Cultural Studies
BME Business Management and Enterprise
CAE Career and Enterprise
DAN Dance
DRA Drama
ECO Economics
ENG English
GEO Geography
HIA Humanities and Social Sciences in Action
HIM History – Modern
ITA Italian
LIT Literature
MPA Media Production and Analysis
MUS Music
PAL Politics and Law
REL Religion and Life
VAR Visual Art

AVN Aviation
ACF Accounting and Finance
AIT Applied Information Technology
BLY Biology
CHE Chemistry
CSC Computer Science
DES Design – Technical Graphics
DES Design – Computer Game
EST Engineering Studies
HBY Human Biology
MDT Materials Design and Technology
MAA Mathematics Applications
MAE Mathematics Essential
MAM Mathematics Methods
MAS Mathematics Specialist
PES Physical Education Studies
PHY Physics
PSY Psychology
SIP Science in Practice


It is proposed that the courses listed will be offered if sufficient students enrol in each course.

A student’s final choice may be restricted by:

  1. A lack of ability to cope with the proposed subject,
  2. Unavoidable clashes in timetabling, or,
  3. Resource restrictions.

Timeline for Year 10 to 11

Week Interim Dates


Student Assembly – Head of Learning Area talks providing background to subject offerings
2.9 Year 10 Course Information Evening.
2.9 Link to Course Selection site distributed to students.
2.9 Reports released on the final day of school.
Term 2 Holidays Subject Selection Form to be completed by the middle Friday of holidays.
Term 3 onwards Student eligibility for Year 11 courses determined from Year 10, Semester One results.
3.1 Year 7-10 Parent-Student-Teacher interviews.
3.1 - 3.3 Individual student (and parent) interviews with course counsellor.  Subject selection are finalised at this interview.
3.6 ONSITE Interviews.
Term 4 Review results for subject selection as required.
Dec 2023 Subject allocation letters.



The Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) The WASSA is issued to each Year 12 student at the completion of their senior secondary schooling.

Senior secondary school typically takes two years. The WASSA lists all courses and programs that a student has completed and the grades and marks achieved.

The WASSA formally records, as relevant:

  • achievement of WACE requirements
  • achievement of the literacy (reading and writing) standard
  • achievement of the numeracy standard
  • achievement of awards
  • school grades, school marks and combined scores in ATAR courses
  • school grades and school marks in General and Foundation courses
  • completed Preliminary units
  • completed VET industry specific courses
  • successfully completed VET qualifications and VET units of competency
  • completed endorsed programs
  • number of community service hours undertaken (if reported by the school).

Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Requirements 

WACE requirements

The Western Australian Certificate of Education signifies that students have met the breadth and depth, achievement standard and the literacy and numeracy standard requirements in their senior secondary schooling.

Breadth and depth requirement

  • Complete a minimumof 20 course units or the equivalent. (notes 1, 2 and 3)
  • The 20 course units must include at least:
    • 10 units or the equivalent at Year 12
    • Two Year 11 units from an English course and one pair of Year 12 units from an English course
    • one pair of course units from each of List A (arts/languages/social sciences) and List B (mathematics/science/technology) completed in Year 12.

Achievement standard requirement

  • Achievement of at least 14 C grades or higher (or the equivalent) in Year 11 and 12 units, with a minimum of six C grades or the equivalent at Year 12. (notes 5 and 6)

Literacy and numeracy standard

  • Completion of at least four units of an English course post-Year 10 and studied over at least two years.
  • Demonstration of the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy.


Explanatory notes relating to WACE requirements

  1. The breadth-and-depth requirement can be met through ATAR, General and Foundation courses. The achievement standard can be met through ATAR, General, VET industry specific and Foundation courses.
  2. Of the 20 units required for a WACE, up to a maximum of four Year 11 units and four Year 12 units may be substituted by VET qualifications and/or endorsed programs. A student may choose to substitute using only VET qualifications (up to a total of eight units) or using endorsed programs (up to a total of four units) or using a combination of VET and endorsed programs (up to a total of eight units but with a maximum of four units with endorsed programs).
  3. Students can repeat units. However, those units that have the same unit code, e.g. AEENG, and are repeated, do not contribute to the WACE requirements more than once.
  4. Students enrolled in Units 3 and 4 in an ATAR course must sit the external examination in that course. If students do not sit, or do not make a genuine attempt in this examination, the grades for the pair of units completed in that year will not contribute to the calculation of the achievement standard, but they will still count in the breadth-and-depth requirement. Students who do not sit the examination will not receive a course report. Year 12 students enrolled in Units 3 and 4 in a General or Foundation course must sit the EST in that course.
  5. Both VET qualifications and endorsed programs can indirectly contribute to the WACE standard requirement of a C grade in at least 14 units. A C grade in a maximum of eight units (four in Year 11 and four in Year 12) can be replaced by unit equivalents from VET qualifications and/or endorsed programs. Of these eight unit equivalents, a maximum of four can be from endorsed programs (two in Year 11 and two in Year 12).
  6. The literacy and numeracy standard can be met either through the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) or by achieving Band 8 or above in the associated components of reading, writing or numeracy in the Year 9 NAPLAN tests. Students undertaking the OLNA will be required to satisfy both the reading and writing components in order to demonstrate the minimum WACE literacy standard.
  7. If students do not demonstrate the literacy and numeracy standard by the time they exit secondary school, they can apply to the Authority to re-sit the assessment at any age.


How does my child demonstrate the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy?

Students can meet the minimum standard either by demonstrating Band 8 or higher in the NAPLAN reading, writing and numeracy tests in Year 9 or by meeting the minimum standard of the reading, writing and numeracy components of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA).

Course Pre-requisites

Courses which may be used to form the ATAR in Year 12

Course Codes Pre-requisite
Accounting & Finance ATAR


55% in Humanities and a ‘C’ grade in Mathematics.
ATACF Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Accounting and Finance.
Applied Information & Technology ATAR


Minimum of ‘C’ grade in  Year 10 English Course 1, or, 60% or  better in  English Course 2.
ATAIT Minimum of a ‘C’ in Year 11 A1/A2 Applied Information Technology or a ‘60%’ in Year 11 A1/A2 Computer Science.
Aviation: ATAR A1AVN/A2AVN Minimum of 65% Course average in Year 10 Science.
ATAVN Minimum of a ‘C’ grade in Year 11 A1/A2 Aviation.
Biology: ATAR A1BLY/A2BLY Minimum of 60% in Year 10 Science.
ATBLY Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Biology.
Business Management & Enterprise: ATAR -  
ATBME A strong ‘C’ grade average in Year 10 Humanities subjects and a demonstrated mature work ethic equivalent to a Year 12 standard.
Chemistry: ATAR A1CHE/A2CHE Minimum of 60% in Year 10 Science and a minimum of 75% in Mathematics Course 1b.
ATCHE Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Chemistry.
Computer Science: ATAR A1CSC/A2CSC Minimum of ‘C’ in Course 1a or a ‘65%’ in Course 1b in Year 10 Mathematics
ATCSC Minimum of a ‘65’ in Year 11 A1/A2 Computer Science or B average across ATAR subjects along with an acceptance interview with Head of Digital Technologies.
Dance: ATAR A1DAN/A2DAN Minimum of 60% in year 10 English (Course 2) or a 'C' grade or better in English (Course 1). Previous dance experience is recommended with a sound knowledge of dance skills, techniques, processes, elements and principles explored in the Year 7–10 Arts curriculum. 
ATDAN Minimum of 55% in year 11 Dance or students with a good knowledge of dance, equivalent to units 1 & 2 as explored in year 11 Dance Arts Curriculum.
Design: ATAR (Technical Graphics Context) A1DEST/A2DEST A basic knowledge of CAD or Adobe programs is important, but not essential.
ATDEST Entry level is for students who have studied Year 11 ATAR Design; however, students may be considered if they have had a meeting with the Head of Learning Area regarding their interest in studying Design ATAR in Year 12. A basic knowledge of CAD or Adobe programs would be beneficial, but not essential.
Drama: ATAR A1DRA/A2DRA Minimum of 60% in Year 10 English Course 2 or, a ‘C’ grade or better in English Course 1. Previous Drama experience is recommended but not required. Students must also commit to out of school rehearsals for this course.
ATDRA Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Drama.
Economics: ATAR A1ECO/A2ECO 55% in Humanities and a ‘C’ grade in English.
ATECO Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Economics.
Engineering Studies: ATAR (Mechatronic) A1EST/A2EST Consistent achievement at least a ‘B’ grade in a Year 10 Design and Technology or related science subject. Achievement of a ‘B’ grade for a mainstream Math course in Year 10.
ATEST Entry is for students who have passed the Year 11 A1/A2 Engineering Studies course. However, students who have studied Year 11 A1/A2 Physics and/or a high mathematics course may be considered. Engineering Studies is for students who have advanced skills and understandings and are ready to work with content at a sophisticated level of complexity.
English: ATAR A1ENG/A2ENG Minimum of 60% in Year 10 English Course 2 (Mainstream), or, a minimum of 55% in English Course 1 (Literature). A pass in the National Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment is strongly recommended.
ATENG Successful completion (minimum 50%) in Year 11 A1/A2 English.
Geography: ATAR A1GEO/A2GEO 55% in Humanities and a ‘C’ grade in English.
ATGEO Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Geography.
Human Biology: ATAR A1HBY/A2HBY Minimum of 60% in Year 10 Science.
ATHBY Minimum of a55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Human Biology.
Italian (Second Language): ATAR A1ISL/A2ISL Minimum of a ‘C’ in Year 10 Italian.
ATISL Minimum of a high 'C' (55 %+) in Year 11 A1/A2 Italian.
Literature: ATAR A1LIT/A2LIT Minimum of 65% or better in Year 10 English Course 1 (Extension), or, 70% or better in English Course 2 (Mainstream). A pass in the National Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment is strongly recommended.
ATLIT Successful completion (minimum 50%) in Year 11 A1/A2 Literature.
Mathematics Applications: ATAR A1MAA/A2MAA Minimum 'B' grade in Year 10 Mathematics 2 course and any Mathematics 1b course grade.
ATMAA Minimum 'C' grade in Year 11 A1/A2 Mathematics Applications.
Mathematics Methods: ATAR A1MAM/A2MAM Minimum 'C' grade in Year 10 Mathematics 1a course.
ATMAM Minimum 'C' grade in Year 11 A1/A2 Mathematics Methods.
Mathematics Specialist: ATAR A1MAS/A2MAS Minimum 60% in Year 10 Mathematics 1a course.
ATMAS Minimum 'C' grade in Year 11 A1/A2 Mathematics Specialist.
Media Production & Analysis: ATAR A1MPA/A2MPA Minimum of 60% in Year 10 English Course 2 (Mainstream), or, a minimum of 55% in English Course 1.
ATMPA Minimum of ‘C’ grade in Year 11 Media Production and Analysis, or, 65% or better in English Course 2. For further information regarding Media please contact Rebecca Bryant, Media teacher.
Modern History: ATAR A1HIM/A2HIM 55% in Humanities and a ‘C’ grade in English.
ATHIM Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Modern History. In addition, a minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 English.
Music: ATAR (Wester Art) A1MUSW/A2MUSW Minimum of a ‘B’ in Year 10 Music and appropriate instrumental/composition ability. For further information regarding Music please contact Dr Robert Braham, Director of Music.

Minimum of a ‘C’ grade in Year 11 A1/A2 Music and appropriate instrumental/composition ability.  For further information regarding Music please contact Dr Robert Braham, Director of Music.

Physical Education Studies: ATAR A1PES/A2PES Minimum ‘B’ grade in Year 10 Physical Education with Excellent work habits. Students would be expected to have achieved an average B grade across their CORE subjects.
ATPES ‘B’ in Year 11 A1/A2 Physical Education Studies, or, a high ‘C’ with the recommendation of the Head of Learning Area. NOTE: If you have not met the prerequisites, or, have not completed the A1/A2 course and you would like to be considered for this course, see HOLA – HPE.
Physics: ATAR A1PHY/A2PHY Minimum of 60% in Year 10 Science and a minimum of 75% in Mathematics Course 1b.
ATPHY Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Physics.
Politics & Law: ATAR A1PAL/A2PAL 55% in Humanities and a ‘C’ grade in English.
ATPAL Minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 Politics and Law. In addition, a minimum of 55% in Year 11 A1/A2 English. NOTE: If you have not done A1/A2 Politics and Law and you would like to be considered for this course see the Head of Learning Area.
Psychology: ATAR A1PAL/A2PAL A minimum of 60% in Year 10 Science.
ATPAL Minimum of 55% in Year 11 Psychology.
Religion & Life: ATAR A1REL/A2REL Minimum of 60% in Year 10 Religious Education.
ATREL Successful completion of Year 11 A1/A2 Religion & Life.
Visual Arts: ATAR A1VAR/A2VAR​​​​​ Minimum 'B' grade in Year 9 and/or Year 10 Art and C grade in Year 10 English.
ATVAR Minimum of a high 'C' (55% +) in Year 11 A1/A2 Visual Arts.


Courses and VET certification programmes which are not used to form the ATAR in Year 12

Course Codes Pre-requisite
Aboriginal and Intercultural studies: GENERAL G1AIS/G2AIS No prerequisites required.
GTAIS No prerequisites required.
Applied Information & Technology: GENERAL G1AIT/G2AIT No prerequisites required.
GTAIT No prerequisites required.
Aviation: GENERAL G1AVN/G2AVN Minimum of a ‘C’ grade in Year 10 Science.
GTAVN Minimum of a ‘C’ grade in Year 11 Aviation.
Career & Enterprise: GENERAL G1CAE/G2CAE No prerequisites required. This subject is compulsory for students who select either ONSITE GENERAL OR ONSITE SPECIALIST.
GTCAE No prerequisites required. Students who have General Economics in Year 11 should give consideration to this course.
Dance: GENERAL G1DAN/G2DAN Minimum C grade in English. Previous dance experience recommended with a sound knowledge of dance skills, or completion of year 10 dance.
GTDAN Minimum C grade in English. Previous dance experience recommended with a sound knowledge of dance skills, or completion of year 11 dance (ATAR or General).
Design: GENERAL (Game Design) G1DESG/G2DESG No prerequisites required.
GTDESG No prerequisites required.
English: GENERAL G1ENG/G2ENG No prerequisites required.
GTENG Successful completion of English: General Units 1 & 2 in Year 11.
Human Biology: GENERAL G1HBY/G2HBY No prerequisites required.
GTHBY No prerequisites required.
Humanities and Social Sciences in Action: GENERAL G1HIA/G2HIA No prerequisites required.
GTHIA No prerequisites required.
Mathematics Essential: GENERAL G1MAE/G2MAE No prerequisites required.
GTMAE No prerequisites required.
Materials Design & Technology: GENERAL (Metal) G1MDTM/G2MDTM No prerequisites required.
GTMDTM It is preferable that students have studied Materials in Year 11 but students who have studied a Year 10 related Design and Technology course may be eligible with the recommendation of the Head of Learning Area.
Materials Design & Technology: GENERAL (Wood) G1MDTW/G2MDTW No prerequisites required.
GTMDTW It is preferable that students have studied Materials in Year 11 but students who have studied a Year 10 related Design and Technology course may be eligible with the recommendation of the Head of Learning Area.
Media Production and Analysis: GENERAL G1MPA/G2MPA No prerequisites required.
GTMPA No prerequisites required.
Physical Education Studies: GENERAL G1PES/G2PES No prerequisites required.
GTPES No prerequisites required.
Religion & Life: GENERAL G1REL/G2REL Completion of Year 10 Religious Education.
GTREL Completion of Year 11 Religion & Life.
Science in Practice: General G1SIP/G2SIP No prerequisites required.
GTSIP No prerequisites required.
Visual Arts: GENERAL G1VAR/G2VAR No prerequisites required.
GTVAR No prerequisites required.
Certificate IV Business C4BUS A minimum of a 'C' grade in English Year 11. Only Available in Year 12. Entry is subject to an interview.
Certificate II Sport Recreation (Year 11) C2SPR No prerequisites required.
Certificate II Outdoor Education (Year 12) C2OR No prerequisites required.
Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation (Year 12) C3SAR Completion of Certificate II in Sports & Recreation is advantageous.










Important Dates

Year 10 students moving into Year 11 2025: course counselling survey data (Microsoft Form) is due Friday 5 July, and subject data confirmed with your course counsellor is due Friday 2 August

Year 11 students moving into Year 12 2025: subject data is due Friday 23 August

Year 7,8,9 students moving into 2025: elective data is due Friday 30 August