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Course Selection: Information


Curriculum Overview

The College aims at high standards of academic excellence. The curriculum gives attention to Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Languages and Communication, Art, Drama, Music, Design and Technology, Health and Physical Education, Information Technology, Science, and Humanities. Students are challenged to give of their best, to show a genuine interest in their chosen fields of study, and to develop the power of self-motivation through work in the library, the laboratories and the Art and Music Studios.

Please note that the majority of elective subjects are delivered as semester length programmes. However, a range of elective subjects will be studied as full year programmes. These include Computer Science, Drama, Music, Italian, and Design and Technology. It is proposed that the elective courses listed in this handbook will be offered if sufficient students enrol in each course. A student’s final choice may be restricted by unavoidable clashes in timetabling or resource restriction.

Finally, the Year 10 curriculum also includes a full-year Personal Development and Wellness programme. This programme addresses areas such as: Christian Service; Career Education; Communication & Conflict Resolution; Driver Education; Laptop program; Mental Health & Resilience, Study Skills and Health Education.

Although this site has been primarily addressed to students, it has also been written for parents. We hope that, as a family, you will go through the material together so that decisions are made as a family group.

At Trinity College Year 10 students study a number of compulsory or core subjects and have an excellent range of elective subjects from which to choose. The combination of core and elective subjects provide for the interests and academic needs of all students.

Elective Subjects

The majority of elective subjects are delivered as semester programmes, however, as indicated some elective subjects are delivered as full year programmes and studied for the duration of the academic year. Students are to select a maximum of six elective subjects (three per semester) for Year 10.

NOTE: Students that if students are undertaking a full-year elective subject are not to undertake its equivalent as a semester programme.

Core Subjects Subjects By Invitation

Religious Education
Health & Physical Education

Computer Science ATAR - 4 Units Yearlong
Music Advanced - Yearlong


Students typically choose six semesterised elective subjects over the year, three in each semester.

Yearlong Elective Subjects

Art - Yearlong
Drama - Yearlong
Engineering Studies - Yearlong
Italian - Yearlong
Literacy Enrichment and Assessment LEAP - Yearlong
Materials Design & Technology - Yearlong
Music - Yearlong
Powering Careers in Energy (Chevron Aust.) - Yearlong
Psychology - Yearlong


Semester Length Elective Subjects

3D Art (Sculpture)
Accounting & Finance
Applied Information Technology
Astronomy & Space Science
Aviation Advanced
Creative Writing
Debating & Public Speaking
Design Graphics
Digital Photography Photoshop
Engineering Studies
Financial Futures: Trading and Investing
Fine Art (Drawing & Painting)
Game Design
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Materials Design & Technology
Mathematics Mindstorm
Mock Trials
Outdoor Education
Product Design
Science Experimentation
Sports Science
Strength & Conditioning


Personal Development and Wellness

The Year 10 PDW Programme is a bespoke programme designed to complement the pastoral experiences of the previous three years and prepare the boys for their next rite of passage into the senior years. Relationships with self and others forms the essence of this programme promoting a holistic approach to mental health, and the building of strong, meaningful relationships.

Aspects of service, self-management and independence are experienced throughout the year with a particular highlight being the opportunity for students to learn essential food preparation skills through a four-week Food Technology programme at Mercedes College.

Further information on the Pastoral Care programmes offered by Trinity College can be found here.









Important Dates

Year 10 students moving into Year 11 2025: course counselling survey data (Microsoft Form) is due Friday 5 July, and subject data confirmed with your course counsellor is due Friday 2 August

Year 11 students moving into Year 12 2025: subject data is due Friday 16 August

Year 7,8,9 students moving into 2025: elective data is due Friday 23 August