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Course Selection: Subjects

Religious Education

Core Subjects

Religious Education

Religious Education is central to the learning and development of students in Catholic schools, and it focuses on the knowledge and understanding of the Gospel as it is handed on by the Catholic Church to those who follow Christ.  It is through learning in Religious Education that students, through a process of cultural, systematic, and critical reflection, learn the teachings of the Gospels and understand how Christians live. 

The Bishops of Western Australia have prime responsibility for Religious Education and authorise the content and process of the curriculum for schools in Western Australia. Religious Education has a mandated and formal curriculum for classroom learning and teaching for Years K-12. 

Year Ten students identify how human desires can lead people to contemplate the meaning and purpose of life. They provide examples of how Catholics come to know God, and by doing so, address important questions about the meaning and purpose of life. Students recall the Christian belief that God creates each person with a conscience that calls them into a personal and loving relationship with God. They explore the Judeo-Christian beliefs about God’s original plan for creation and describe how people who are created in God’s own image and likeness can contribute to God’s ongoing work of creation. They identify how Jesus, the Son of God, shows people how to bring creation to fulfilment and offers salvation. 

Students describe how the Church is One Body in Christ, focused on the Gospel message of the life and mission of Jesus. They describe how Jesus is ever present with his Church and how the life of Jesus and his mission as priest, prophet and king, offers guidance and support to all people. Students identify the Christian belief in the Holy Spirit and describe how people who choose to share in the Gospel message are guided by the Spirit. They research Christian vocation as a call for spiritual discernment. Students describe how Christians develop the influence of the Spirit’s gifts in their lives, through daily prayer and worship, through their participation in liturgies and the Sacraments. 

Students describe important moments in the Church’s history and the influence they have had on Christian practices. They identify the Holy Spirit as the source of the Church’s growth throughout the world. Students describe Church structures and teachings that enable the Church to engage with and respond to developments and issues in the world. They explain how Church structures and teachings adhere to God’s natural and divine laws and the Catholic principles of decision making. Students explore the scriptural basis of Church teachings. They describe how Church teachings help develop people’s consciences to act with concern and justice towards God and society and bring about the restoration of God’s original plan for creation. They recall the factors that hinder a person’s ability to follow God’s laws and apply an examination of conscience to reflect on whether they are living according to God’s laws. 

The Religious Education Learning Area aims to relate Catholic beliefs and practices to the real-life situations of students through:
•    A study of the Bible – its structure, history, and settings as well as its role as the primary source of Divine Revelation. 
•    A focus on the Catholic Liturgical Year with a special emphasis on the important feasts. 
•    A study of some Catholic teachings and practices. 

Students also participate in Religious Education in practical ways through Christian Service Learning, Retreats and Catholic sacred rituals and celebrations.


Elective Subjects

3D Art

This is an enjoyable practical course which allows students to specialise in the studio area of sculpture. Students will explore creative sculptural activities that encourage personal fulfilment through designing, making and evaluating three dimensional artworks. They will use a variety of sculptural mediums, techniques and technologies to produce artworks and use and adapt visual art language and artistic conventions in the design and production of their artwork. Students will extend their knowledge of art practices and use their
understanding of a variety of art styles in the making of their artwork. Resolved artwork is presented and appraised, with consideration to their own artistic intentions, personal expression, and audience.

Students are provided with opportunities to reflect on traditional and contemporary artwork. They develop greater understanding of how contexts of culture, time and place impact on the development of ideas and production of art forms in the artistic process. They continue to explore artistic influences, while being encouraged to express greater individualism in their application of ideas and materials. This elective will assist students in building their knowledge and skills in preparation for Visual Arts ATAR and General courses in Year 11.


In the Year 10 Visual Art Course students will participate in a range of art activities in a variety of art forms which may include painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, graphics, drawing and installations. Students will use and apply visual art language and artistic conventions in the design and production of their artwork. They further develop and refine their ideas and techniques to resolve artwork by documenting the design, production and evaluation processes of their artwork. Students will extend their knowledge of art practices and use their understanding of a variety of art styles in the making of their artwork. Resolved artwork is presented and appraised, with consideration to their own artistic intentions, personal expression, and audience. Students are provided with opportunities to reflect on traditional and contemporary artwork. They develop greater understanding of how contexts of culture, time and place impact on the development of ideas and production of art forms in the artistic process. They continue to explore artistic influences, while being encouraged to express greater individualism in their application of ideas and materials. This elective will assist
students in building their knowledge and skills in preparation for Visual Arts ATAR and General courses in Year 11.

Art - Yearlong

The Year 10 Art course is offered as a year-long elective to provide students with an opportunity to further their art education and broaden and develop their knowledge and skills in the Visual Arts. The course is suitable for students with an interest in art and those
wishing to develop artistic understanding and competencies for their own growth and fulfilment. The course will assist in building a foundation for those who would like to continue further study in this area in Year 11 and 12.

Students will participate in a range of art activities in a variety of art forms which may include painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, graphics, drawing and installations. Students will use and apply Visual Art language and artistic conventions in the design and production of their artwork. They further develop and refine their ideas and techniques to resolve artwork by documenting the design, production and evaluation processes of their artwork. Students will extend their knowledge of art practices and use their understanding of a variety of art styles in the making of their artwork. Resolved artwork is presented and appraised, with consideration to their own artistic intentions, personal expression, and audience. Students are provided with opportunities to reflect on traditional and contemporary artwork. They develop greater understanding of how contexts of culture, time and place impact on the development of ideas and production of art forms in the artistic process. They continue to explore artistic influences, while being encouraged to express greater individualism in their application of ideas and materials.

It is highly recommended that students wishing to study ATAR or General courses in Year 11 and 12 undertake this course in Year 10.

Fine Art

In the Year 10 Fine Art Course students will specialise in the studio areas of drawing and painting. Students will explore creative drawing and painting activities that encourage personal fulfilment through designing, making and evaluating two dimensional artworks. They will use a variety of mediums, techniques and technologies to produce artworks and use and adapt visual art language and artistic conventions in the design and production of their artwork. Students will extend their knowledge of art practices and use their understanding of a variety of art styles in the making of their artwork. Resolved artwork is presented and appraised, with consideration to their own artistic intentions, personal expression and audience.

Students are provided with opportunities to reflect on traditional and contemporary artwork. They develop greater understanding of how contexts of culture, time and place impact on the development of ideas and production of art forms in the artistic process. They continue to explore artistic influences, while being encouraged to express greater individualism in their application of ideas and materials. This elective will assist students in building their knowledge and skills in preparation for Visual Arts ATAR and General courses in Year 11


Aviation at Trinity College gives students the opportunity to learn the physics behind flight and to apply that knowledge using state of the art flight simulator equipment and virtual reality.

The different pathway options open to students is shown below.

What is it like to study aviation?

Elective Subjects

Aviation 1

Aviation - Introductory

If you’re the sort of person that looks up in the sky whenever you hear the sound of an aircraft overhead, or if you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a pilot yourself, look no further.

Using state of the art flight simulator equipment and virtual reality, Trinity’s introductory aviation courses are designed to propel you on your dream.

In the Introductory Aviation course, you will learn:

  • The basics of how an aircraft flies.
  • How to take off and control an aircraft in flight.
  • Most importantly, how to land an aircraft!
  • Procedures on how to stay safe while being the pilot in command.


Aviation 2

Aviation – Advanced


  • 70% average score for theoretical knowledge in Aviation - Introductory
  • 70% score for practical simulator test in Aviation – Introductory


Students wishing to apply but do not meet the prerequisites are required to speak with the Aviation Co-ordinator for alternate entry processes.

So, you’ve learnt some basic flying skills in the introductory course. What now?

Among other things, our Aviation – Advanced course will give you an opportunity to fly REAL aircraft with a certified flying instructor down at Jandakot Airport.*

Back in the classroom, you will use the simulators to learn more advanced flying procedures such as:

  • Cross-country navigation and flight planning
  • Emergency procedures such as stall recovery, flapless and forced landings
  • Additional flying techniques useful for those considering ATAR Aviation


* Flying lessons will be conducted on afternoons throughout the semester in conjunction with the flight school. Additional costs for aircraft hire will apply and some after school attendance is required.

For more details, contact the Aviation Coordinator, Kenny Chan:

Design and Technology

Elective Subjects


Design is a course based around the use of various computer packages aiming to develop an understanding about the diverse values, attitudes, beliefs, processes and behaviour behind the theory of design. The projects incorporate a range of social issues and an environmental awareness in both local and international contexts.

For the first project, students use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator packages to create a flat pack toy identifying cultural stereotypes. These projects aim to give students an awareness of the environment around them and creatively portray these concepts in a design brief used in the production of a 3D scaled model.

For their major project, students are guided through generating ideas and concepts in the production and evaluation of a transportable disaster relief modules to aid humanitarian efforts in areas of need. Brain storming ideas using detailed sketching and rendering techniques along with 3D prototypes, generated using Google Sketchup are the just a few of the possibilities on offer.

The programs used are of industry standard, and are a good entry point for all architectural and drafting units undertaken at university level. Courses such as architecture, engineering, surveying, interior design, product design, graphics design and marketing are just a few of the avenues that will be possible by undertaking this exciting course.

Engineering Studies

Engineering Studies is a semester-based elective in the mechatronics context. The course is largely a practical unit, focussing on soldering and electrical construction, as well as hands-on work with various materials within the scope of the projects. In the course, students will grow their understanding of electronic components, circuits, mechanisms, material properties, joining methods, adhesives and hardware, as well as gaining more skill and understanding in some machinery and hand tool use.

In addition to the practical work, students will also gain an understanding of programming. They will construct a programmable project, which can be individualised to each student. This focusses on the core of systems control, utilising the input/process/output model. All programming will be completed in the flowcharting space, with the ability to run prototype programming to their project, and then to adjust and refine as required.

The semester course is built for students who have an interest in the subject and who will seek to build their skills, knowledge and understanding of mechatronic engineering. For students considering undertaking Engineering Studies as an ATAR course in year 11, is recommended they select the year-long course, which further beds down the core concepts and skills required for the senior course work.

Engineering Studies - Yearlong

Engineering Studies is a specialised course which develops the skills and understanding of students with a mechatronics context. Students will be exposed to continually more complex electronics, circuitry and production techniques and the communication of technical solutions. They will be required to apply initiative, creativity and critical thinking skills in both a practical and theoretical application.

Projects undertaken in this course of study will include increasingly complex circuitry, translations of motion, integrating electronic circuitry with moving components and programming, which will provide real-life results from the desired flowcharting. Physical models will be constructed to specification and plans, but will be customized and personalised through programming input and output variables.

Engineering Studies (Year-Long) is a course specifically aimed at students intending on undertaking Engineering Studies as an ATAR course in years 11 and 12. While the course is still primarily a practical one, focused on project-based learning, there is a theory component to the unit. This will focus on Electronics and Electrical theory, as well as Systems and Controls. Content mastered in this course will provide an invaluable springboard into the ATAR course in year 11.

Materials Technology

Materials Technology is a semester based unit aimed at further developing the skills and techniques learnt in previous units. Students learn to apply the technology processes to both create and modify products in order to meet human needs. It is a practical subject aimed at developing an understanding of the nature and properties of materials and how they influence design as they create products and safely operate machinery and equipment in a workshop situation. Students need to gain an understanding about the interrelationship between people, the environment and the use of materials in developing a range of projects sustainable for future generations.

Models consist of three main forms, wood, metal and plastic. In conjunction with freeform manipulation, the use of laser technology is widely used in helping to generate ideas and produce solutions and manage production processes. A variety of tools and equipment are used to create freeform contemporary furniture, intricate wrought iron and metal pieces as well as an introduction to sheet metal development.

As student safety is a high priority in all activities, a common understanding of safe work practices, risk management and an awareness of occupational safety and health is mandatory.

Students wishing to undertake this course are unable to choose the year-long Materials Design and Technology, as some overlap of content exists.

Materials Technology – Yearlong

Materials Technology is a year-long based subject aimed at further developing the skills and techniques in students whose natural aptitude in this area needs to be challenged. The course is designed for those wishing to continue study in this area moving
into Years 11 and 12. It covers a broad range of skills and processes utilizing all that is on offer at Trinity College.

Students learn to apply the technology processes to both create and modify products in order to meet human needs. It is a practical subject aimed at developing an understanding of the nature and properties of materials and how they influence design as they create
products and safely operate machinery and equipment in a workshop situation. Students need to gain an understanding about the interrelationship between people, the environment and the use of materials in developing a range of projects sustainable for future generations.

Models consist of three main forms, wood, metal and plastic. In conjunction with freeform manipulation, the use of computer software packages such as Corel Draw X7 in the programming of the latest laser technology is widely used in helping to generate ideas and produce solutions and manage production processes. A variety of tools and equipment are used to create freeform contemporary furniture, intricate wrought iron and metal pieces as well as an introduction to sheet metal development. Along with these, fabrication and machining processes will be utilised along with both gas and electric welding processes.

As student safety is a high priority in all activities, a common understanding of safe work practices, risk management and an awareness of occupational safety and health is mandatory.

It is highly recommended that students wishing to study General Units 1 through 4 in Year 11 and 12 undertake this course in Year 10.

Product Design

Product Design is an innovative elective course aimed at exposing students to the latest technology processes. Projects are imaginative and creative, driven solely by the student’s desire and passion for new products. Resources available include Corel Draw X7, used in conjunction with the Laser cutting devices and Autodesk Inventor which is a 3D drawing package used to program the latest 3D printers.

A range of materials are used in the construction of prototype models and fully functional products that achieve the aims set forward to them in a Design Brief. This allows the students to experience state of the art designing and manufacturing techniques. Freehand sketching and rendering techniques are also utilised during the design process to complete a presentation folio illustrating ideas generated.

This course also provides a good basis for students to study Design Graphics and Engineering in Years 11 and 12, and further consolidating a good basis for study at University level.


Core Subjects

Year 10 English will offer three courses. Students are directed into the most appropriate course as a result of their performance in Year 9.

English Course 1 (Extension)

English Course 1 is designed to provide a challenging and stimulating environment for the most capable students of English. Students will be selected and invited to enrol in this course by the Head of English Learning Area. It introduces a number of important literary theories in conjunction with the study of classic literary texts while still providing students with the opportunity to study film and visual texts. The course will give students a tremendous opportunity to extend their reading and writing skills. It is designed to enhance the enjoyment of literature, as well as give students – whether they go on to study English or Literature in Year 11 – an introduction to tertiary-minded post-compulsory courses.

English Course 2 (Mainstream)

English Course 2 has been designed to extend all students regardless of their level of ability. The course encompasses the learning skills and objectives that come with viewing, reading, writing, listening and speaking. Throughout the year, students will study a range of text types, typically; short stories, novel, film, advertisements and feature articles, with a particular focus on the ideas and issues communicated in these texts and the various techniques employed.

The course is a diverse and challenging one that gives all boys an opportunity to develop their English skills and knowledge in a supportive and invigorating environment. This subject provides a valuable introduction for tertiary-minded students.

English Course 3

English Course 3 is specifically designed for boys identified as needing extra assistance in English. It will closely mirror the style and structure of English Course 2, but will run at a pace more in keeping with the individual abilities and ambitions of each student in the class. It will also offer differentiated tasks to suit their learning styles. Students in this course usually progress to General English and further vocational studies in Year 11.

The course aims to provide a supportive and motivating learning environment for English students as well as those who simply need extra help in reaching their potential.

Elective Subjects

Creative Writing

This course will aim to recognise, harness and develop the creative, expressive and imaginative skills of student writing. Exploring a range of genres and their conventions, the course will enhance students' understanding of the craft of the writer, the use of techniques and conventions, the pitfalls of clichés, and the construction (throughout drafting and editing) of fiction writing. Incorporating prose fiction, and text types like plays, graphic novels and short stories, the course will extend students' abilities to express themselves with flair, originality and sophisticated use of language. Students will have the opportunity to workshop, discuss and share ideas amongst each other in a supportive environment and may also be presented with the opportunity to meet with and listen to guest writers. Although it will be an essential aide to the increasing demands of the Composing section for the WACE
English course, Creative Writing is a must for those gifted writers who seek an expressive outlet for their talents.

Debating & Public Speaking

Students in this course will develop their skills in both debating and public speaking. Learning the tricks to effective Manner, Matter and Method, students will be given the opportunity to develop their skills in a real world context through participating in debating competitions as well as other public speaking opportunities. This course is not just for students with a passion for debating; it will prove useful for anyone who wants to learn how to work effectively in a team, develop critical thinking and interpersonal skills, learn the power of persuasion and improve their confidence.

Health & Physical Education

Core Subjects

Health & Physical Education

In Year 10, the content provides students with the opportunity to begin to focus on issues that affect the wider community. They study external influences on health decisions and evaluate their impact on personal identity and the health of the broader community. Students continue to develop and refine communication techniques to enhance interactions with others, and apply analytical skills to scrutinise health messages in a range of contexts.

In continuing to improve performance, students transfer learned specialised movement skills with increasing proficiency and success across a variety of contexts. They use feedback to improve their own and others' performance with greater consistency, and critically evaluate movement responses based on the outcome of previous performances. Through the application of biomechanical principles to analyse movement, students broaden their understanding of optimal techniques necessary for enhanced athletic performance.

Students self-assess their own and others' leadership styles and apply problem-solving approaches to motivate participation and contribute to effective team relationships. They are also provided with opportunities to assume direct control of physical activities in coaching, coordinating or officiating roles.

The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Elective Subjects


Year 10 Aquatics is an advancement on the skills learned in Years 8 & 9 Aquatics. The underlying premise is the refining of Aquatic skills for the betterment of others in the community, via coaching, teaching or lifesaving. However, the skills learned in this course will
provide a sound basis for Year 11 and 12 Physical Education Studies courses.

The students learn the skills required for their Bronze Medallion qualification through Royal Life Saving Western Australia. These are valuable life skills, and the qualification may also assist the students in gaining meaningful part time or casual employment.

Outdoor Education

The Year 10 Outdoor Education programme concentrates on mobility activities and preparing students for wilderness expeditions. Skills taught include roping, rock climbing, and navigation.

Due to the practical nature of the elective it is essential all participants be prepared to be actively involved in all activities in varying and sometimes challenging conditions.

This elective will culminate in a four day expedition for students who receive a satisfactory level of achievement and have good standing around the college.

This course has an additional resource fee.

Sports Science

The course, exclusive to Trinity students, is driven by an emphasis on practical skills to challenge the range of developed skills in each student. It is designed for those students who wish to develop a greater understanding of the basic principles underpinning elite level
performance in the sporting environment. Students gain knowledge and skills in practical contexts that will assist them in planning and leading healthy lifestyles.

It is predominantly practical but will also provide some basic knowledge leading to more in depth study in Year 11 ATAR & General Physical Education Studies.

Strength and Conditioning

The aim of this elective is to extend students interested in improving their sport performance and physical fitness. However all students would be able to gain benefit from doing this elective. The emphasis will be on anaerobic training methods to cater for increasing core strength of our athletes. Students will be exposed to a variety of training methods such as resistance training, cross training, speed, agility and plyometrics. The course will be predominantly practical and complement other electives offered within the Health and Physical Education program.


Core Subjects

Humanities is a broad-range subject that studies human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political contexts. Humanities subjects provide students with exceptional opportunities to develop the skills required for academic success both at an ATAR level and at university. By studying Humanities and Social Sciences, students will develop the ability to question; think critically; make decisions based on evidence; devise proposals for actions; and communicate effectively. Humanities subjects provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to develop a broad understanding of the world in which we live and how people can participate as active and informed citizens in the 21st century.

The Humanities course in Year 10 follows the Western Australian Curriculum. It is divided into two key areas – knowledge and understanding and skills. In Year 10, students will be taught on a termly rotational basis by subject specialists in the areas of History, Economics, Geography and Civics and Citizenship. The purpose of the rotation is to provide students with the outstanding knowledge and experience that our subject specialists possess, with the view to aiding students in the subject selection process for Year 11 and 12. By the end of the year, students will have developed the necessary background to enable them to study any of the Humanities courses offered in Year 11. A range of assessment instruments are used including research inquiries, information technology items, oral presentations, tests, extended responses and examinations.


The concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability and change continue to be developed as a way of thinking, through an applied focus on the management of environmental resources and the geography of human wellbeing at the full range of scales, from local to global and in a range of locations.


Students develop their historical understanding through key concepts, including evidence, continuity and change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy, significance and contestability. These concepts are investigated within the historical context of the modern world and Australia from 1918 to the present, with an emphasis on Australia in its global context.


The Economics course introduces students to the concept of economic performance and living standards while continuing to further their understanding of the concepts of making choices, interdependence, specialisation, and allocation and markets through examining contemporary issues, events and/or case studies delving into the reasons for variations in the performance of economies. Students explore the nature of externalities and investigate the role of governments in managing economic performance to improve living standards. They inquire into the ways businesses can manage their workforces to improve productivity.

Civics and Citizenship

The Civics and Citizenship course allows student to continue to build on their understanding of the concepts of democracy, democratic values, justice, and rights and responsibilities by exploring Australia's roles and responsibilities at a global level and its international legal obligations. They inquire in to the values and practices that enable a resilient democracy to be sustained.

There are two levels of courses offered in Year 10:

  • Humanities (Mainstream)
  • Humanities (Course 3)

Humanities (Mainstream)

This course follows the Western Australian Curriculum and students will focus on developing their knowledge and understanding of key content areas. Students will engage in a variety of teaching and learning activities designed to support the delivery of the curriculum and their progress in this course will be regularly monitored to ensure suitability.

Humanities (Course 3)

This course has been specifically designed to support students who require a differentiated curriculum. While the content covered reflects the Western Australian Curriculum, it is delivered in a supportive and stimulating environment which supports individual learning needs. Each student’s progress is monitored throughout their enrolment in this course and their potential in rejoining mainstream Humanities will be revised on a regular basis.

Elective Subjects

Accounting and Finance

The Accounting and Finance course focuses on financial literacy and aims to provide students with the knowledge, understandings and a range of skills that enables them to engage in sound financial decision making. Through the preparation, examination and analysis of financial documents and procedures, students develop an understanding of the fundamental principles and practices upon which accounting and financial management are based.

The course focuses on the double entry principles and accrual accounting for small business in Australia’s economy and explores types of business ownership and the recording, processing and evaluating of financial information. Students will examine business and accounting concepts, including the preparation of financial statements and accounting procedures of small businesses. 

Students considering completing Accounting and Finance in Year 11 or pursuing a Commerce Degree at University will be advantaged by completing this Year 10 elective.

Financial Futures: Trading and Investing

Discover the exhilarating world of financial markets and learn the foundations needed to be successful in your own Trading and Investing. Understanding the products within financial markets and the cognitive biases we all experience when trading may give you a competitive edge for future trading activities. 

In this course, you will embark on a journey that combines theory and hands-on practice, enabling you to make informed financial decisions and become a savvy investor. We will complete the ASX game and learn a trading game using a simple deck of cards where you can conquer your classmates on strategy and speed. Whether you dream of becoming a Wall Street trader or want to understand the intricacies of the global economy, this course is your gateway to financial success.

Mock Trials (Semester 1)

A mock trial is a simulated court case in which teams contest a fictitious legal matter in the Western Australia court system. The cases are presented by two teams – a prosecution/plaintiff team and a defence/defendant team. The students carry out the roles of barristers, solicitors, witnesses and court officials, and compete against other schools.

Students will be registered as a team who will participate in the Law Society’s Mock Trial Competition. It is an enjoyable, dynamic way of introducing students to criminal and civil law processes, and a great opportunity to learn valuable skills in the development and
presentation of a persuasive argument.

This course is designed for boys who have an interest in studying law.

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) has recognised the Competition and approved it as a Community Endorsed Programme from 2019 to 2024. Year 10 students can gain up to 3 WACE units for their participation in the Competition.

Roles in the competition include:

  • 2 barristers
  • 1 instructing solicitor
  • 2 witnesses
  • 1 court orderly (if Prosecution team) or judge’s associate (if Defence team)
  • Reserves – minimum of two and maximum of six

Effective Communication is a focus of the unit and the competition

  • Persuasion in a court of law depends on good communication.

Students must be available for three mock trials against other schools in terms 1 and 2. Mock trials are typically held in the Supreme or District Court buildings in the CBD starting at 6pm and conclude no later than 8pm.

This elective is an excellent introduction to issues studied in Years 11 and 12 Politics and Law

Information Technology

Elective Subjects

The development and application of digital technologies impacts most aspects of living and working in our society. Digital technologies have changed how people interact and exchange information. These developments have created new challenges and opportunities in lifestyle, entertainment, education and commerce.

This course aims to prepare students for a future job market which will require a grounding in digital literacy. AIT is a skill based elective that will establish a practical foundation in Digital Media, Internet Technologies, Web Design, Graphics and Animation. Students may learn a variety of software applications including Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Animate and Illustrator.

Applied Information Technology

This course focuses on the use of digital technologies to create and manipulate digital media. Students will use a range of applications to create visual and audio digital products.  Students will enhance their skills and abilities through the use of a range of applications including photoshop and web publishing software.

These practical projects incorporate a diverse range of skills and include exploring and  understanding the elements and principles of design to create digital products. Students will start to understand how to design digital solutions for clients, mindful of the various impacts of technologies within legal and social boundaries.


(Accelerated Pathway - Completing a Year 11 ATAR course in Year 10)

Minimum prerequisites: Gifted and Talented (by invitation) or completion of Network and Cyber Security Course in Year 9.

Pathway: Computer Science – Year 12 ATAR in Year 11.

Please note, Computer Science runs as two electives over the full year, meaning it is a 4-period elective for the year.

In the Computer Science ATAR Course students explore the fundamental principles, concepts and skills within the field of computing. They learn how to diagnose and solve problems in the course of understanding the building blocks of computing. Students explore the principles related to the analysis and creation of computer and information systems; software development; the connectivity between computers; the management of data; the development of database systems; and the moral and ethical considerations for the development and use of computer systems.

This course provides students with the practical and technical skills that equip them to function effectively in a world where these attributes are vital for employability and daily life in a technological society.

Computer Science is a preferred course for students who are looking to maximize their ATAR result. Students who have sound skills in Mathematics and Problem Solving and an interest in Software or Game Design are well suited for Computer Science.

For more information, please contact the Head of Learning.​​​​​​

Digital Photography

Unleash your creativity with photoshop. Do you find yourself doodling or daydreaming about fantastical scenes and alternate realities? In this hands-on Photoshop course, you'll learn how to take those visions in your mind and bring them to life through digital art and image editing!
Photoshop is an incredibly powerful software used by professional graphic designers, photographers, and artists. With just a computer and your imagination, you'll be able to create almost anything you can dream up.

In this course, you will learn:

  • Retouching and enhancing photos
  • Creating surreal compositions
  • Adding visual effects like fire, smoke, or laser beams
  • Designing graphics, logos, and digital illustrations

Game Design

Level up your coding skills through game design. Do you enjoy playing video games and wonder how they are made? Have you ever thought about creating your very own game? If so, this game programming course is for you! In the course,  you will learn how to design and code fun games from scratch using professional programming tools.

Computer games are an amazingly creative and interactive form of technology. By learning game programming, you'll develop valuable coding and computer science skills while exercising your imagination and problem-solving abilities.

In this course, you will learn:

  • Programming concepts like variables, loops, functions and more
  • Designing and animating characters, levels, and graphics
  • Implementing game rules, physics, and control mechanics
  • Coding different game genres like platformers, puzzles, and arcade games
  • Using professional game engines and development software

Visual Arts - Media Arts

Film is characterised by decisions about what to include and what to leave out. Through the creation of their own media works, students have opportunities to engage in this production process, all while learning about the theoretical concepts that make cinema and television so wonderful.

This subject provides students with the opportunity to study a variety of emerging and unique film genres in order to expand their knowledge and understanding of cinema and television. In doing this, they will be exposed to the theory, skills and technologies used in the industry of film production and editing.

The course will focus on project-based activities which will cover storyboarding, design, and creation of media production in the students’ chosen genres. Students will be encouraged to experiment with technologies, structures, codes, and conventions to express their ideas and creativity. They have the opportunity to develop competence in production skills and processes in media of their choice and begin to show a development of personal styles in their own work.

Students who are interested in studying ATAR or General Media in Year 11 and 12 are encouraged to study this course.


Elective Subjects

Italian (Yearlong)

In Year 10 Italian the focus for this course is health and wellbeing, Italian communities in Australia and around the world, travel and language learning, and future plans (study and professions). All units of work introduce students to the Italian language and culture using a personal perspective, whilst enabling them to share information relating to personal identity, aspects of everyday life and popular culture. Students will begin to develop an understanding of what it means to be “Italian” within Italian -speaking communities and compare their own lives to those of others in Italian -speaking communities. In addition to this, students will learn more about Italian -speaking communities and cultures, their sense of space and place and further develop their skills to travel within Italy.

NB: Any student wishing to enrol in this course should ideally have completed the Year 9 Italian course with a C grade. This also applies to students of Italian background who speak in the vernacular, as their knowledge of grammar may be below the required standard for Year 10 Italian.

Learning Support

Elective Subjects

Literacy Enrichment and Assessment Programme (LEAP)

The program aims to ensure that students develop literacy skills essential for success across the curriculum in Year 10. A focus will be on the management of workloads, as well as developing organisational skills to ensure effective study habits are established. A foundation of the program will be to remain with small class numbers so that individualised support can be tailored to every student.

LEAP will replace one elective and run twice a week for the remainder of the year. No homework or assessment tasks will be given as one of the aims of the program is to assist students in dealing with their current workload.


Core Subjects

Year 10 Mathematics is delivered within four courses. We will cover topics specified in the Australian Curriculum, namely: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability. Students are directed into the appropriate streamed course as a result of their performance in Year 9. The progress of all boys is continually monitored and restreaming will occur where performance warrants it. The use of interactive computer software programmes and CAS calculators will be an integral part of the 1a and 1b course.

Mathematics Course 1a and Mathematics Course 1b

These courses are designed to prepare students for the senior secondary ATAR Mathematics courses. Maths 1a is designed for our most capable students including those who require extension work. In Year 11 these students will typically study Mathematical Methods and the very able will study Mathematical Specialist as well. Maths 1b focuses on the same curriculum without the extension material. Students in 1b will typically go on to study Mathematical Applications.

Mathematics Course 2

Maths 2 is designed to focus on content similar to Maths 1a and Maths 1b at a lower level. The course is designed to prepare students to study Mathematics Applications in Year 11. However only those students able to achieve an A or B grade in Course 2 are considered mathematically able enough to study Mathematical Applications. Those students not able to achieve a high enough grade will typically study Mathematics Essential in Year 11.

Mathematics Course 3

This course will prepare students for the study of Mathematics Essentials General in Year 11. This course provides students with relevant preparation for post-school situations in which Mathematics is needed. The course has been specifically designed for students who require
preparation for a wide range of occupations within the community, or tertiary-bound students who do not require mathematics for their intended area of study. Students will cover work in Number and Algebra, Space and Measurement and Chance and Data. Students will be taught decimals, fractions, percentages, ratios, personal budgeting and banking and financial matters in the workplace. They will learn about perimeter, area and volume and gain knowledge in simple probabilities and collecting and interpreting data.

For Semester 2, students will be placed into either pre-Specialist, pre-Methods, pre-Applications or pre-Essential classes. While students will still continue the Year 10 courses it will be done at a level of difficulty and content emphasis in preparation for Year 11 courses. We will use the prerequisite cut-offs for the Year 11 courses in allocating students to their Semester 2 class. Some leniency will be made for those students who are reasonably close to the cut-off.

Elective Subjects

Mathematics Mindstorm

This elective has been designed to extend students' ability to solve problems in a computer laboratory environment. Students will be expected to select and use appropriate strategies to solve a variety of problems. Time will be spent on a wide range of mathematical topics which are of interest. Special emphasis in this course will be the use of computers in problem solving.

The elective does not cover specific content of Year 10 mainstream Mathematics but skills learnt will definitely complement the work done in Mathematics classes and be of help for Year 11 and 12 courses.

Students may expect a range of opportunities to enter national and state-wide competitions, use computers, play mathematical games and learn problem solving strategies. This is an enriching and extension elective not a supportive elective.

Music and Performing Arts

Elective Subjects


Dance students continue to extend their use of the elements of dance (BEST) and choreographic processes to expand their choreographic intentions in their choreography. They extend their technical dance skills to include style-specific movement skills. Through performance, students continue to work on confidence, accuracy, clarity of movement and projection. They refine their discussion of the use of the elements of dance, choreographic processes and design concepts in their own dance and the dance of others. They investigate dance and influences of the social, cultural and historical contexts in which it exists. Dance genres or styles that may be taught, but are not limited to, include contemporary, ballet, jazz, hip hop, street dance, tap and cultural dance (e.g. Spanish, Indian, Bollywood)


Note: students cannot undertake Drama semester and Drama yearlong elective.

In Year 10 Drama, students will be given opportunities to further develop their performance skills through voice and movement, using processes, techniques and conventions of drama to present performance work to wider audiences. Students will develop their knowledge and skills in a range of forms and styles including Youth Theatre and Grotowski’s Poor Theatre, through the study of a range of Australian and world script excerpts, and live theatre performances. Further students will begin to explore Physical Theatre to assist them in their play building processes. Student work in devised and scripted drama is the focus of reflective and responsive processes with the focus of using appropriate drama terminology. In Year 10 students will have the opportunity to present their work in public performances such as our annual Dance and Drama Showcase and Catholic Performing Arts Festival.

Drama - Yearlong

Note: students cannot undertake Drama semester and Drama yearlong elective.

In Year 10 Drama (Yearlong) students will be given opportunities to further develop their knowledge and skills to present drama for purposes and wider external audiences, safely using processes, techniques and conventions of drama. Students develop performance based on devised drama processes and taken from appropriate, published script excerpts, using selected drama forms and styles. Student work in devised and scripted drama is the focus of reflective and responsive processes. In the yearlong Drama course Grotowski’s Poor Theatre, Youth Theatre, Theatre of the Absurd, Australian Realism and Physical Theatre through Stage Combat are the main performance forms and styles of study. Students are encouraged to develop their use of extended and short answer responses, using drama terminology and language based on their own drama and the drama of others. In Year 10 students will have the opportunity to present their work in public performances such as our Senior School Drama Production/Musical, the annual Dance and Drama Showcase and Catholic Performing Arts Festival. 

Students who are contemplating undertaking ATAR Drama in Year 11 should give serious consideration to this yearlong elective.

Drama Photos

Music - Yearlong (MU1/MU2)

Year 10 Music is based on developing skills in listening, reading, composing and performing as well as identifying the characteristics of various musical styles. This includes a study of music through its principal elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, tonality, form, texture and instrumentation, whilst exploring styles from the Baroque to contemporary music. Instrumental and/or vocal performance forms a very practical part of the course. The use of Sibelius notation is integral to the composition component of the course.

Students who participate in one or more of the College performing ensembles would benefit significantly from doing classroom music. Students who have not participated in the Year 8 or Year 9 Music elective should see Dr Braham before enrolling in Year 10 Music. Those intending to do Music in Year 11 are advised to study Music in Year 10. It is very difficult to do ATAR Music if you have not completed Music in Year 10.

Music Advanced - Yearlong (INVITATION ONLY)

Students who completed the Year 9 Yearlong Advanced Course will continue in the Year 10 Yearlong Advanced Course. Suitably capable and recommended students may also apply to join this course (please see Dr Braham).

All music scholarship students are required to select Music (MU1/MU2) or Music Advanced (MUA1/MUA2) Course. This elective is also important grounding in music reading and writing for those who may wish to choose a Music Course of Study in Year 11 and 12.

Year 10 Music Photos


Core Subjects

In the Year 10 curriculum, students explore the biological, chemical, geological, and physical evidence for different theories, such as the theories of natural selection and the Big Bang. They develop their understanding of atomic theory to understand relationships within the periodic table. They understand that motion and forces are related by applying physical laws.

All disciplines in Year 10 Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology/Human Biology) are taught by their specialist teachers. In Biology, students explore genetics concepts, with an emphasis on heredity and diseases, and the impact of contemporary trends in this area of scientific research. In Chemistry, they develop a further understanding of chemical reactions and bonding. In physics, students are exposed to the physics of movement and Newtonian principles. Throughout all the above disciplines Investigating Scientifically is emphasized through practical work.

There are three courses in Year 10 Science. Students are placed into the most appropriate course as a result of their performance in Year 9. At the conclusion of the first semester of Year 10 there is a further opportunity for students to change their course if they satisfy the pre-requisites requirement outlined in the curriculum handbook.

Science Course 1

This course is designed for capable and highly motivated students who are able to cope with the extension of science outcomes. It is particularly suited to students going on to study Science ATAR courses in particular Physics and Chemistry in Year 11 and 12.

Science Course 2

Students in course 2, follow the same program and are exposed to the similar content as Course 1, however, at a moderated level, in order to prepare them for the pathways which lead to study science including ATAR courses in Years 11 & 12. This course, whilst progressing at moderated rate focuses more on the basic core areas of Science and has less extension material, which will still be challenging for some students.

Science Course 3

This course provides a more hands-on approach to science for students who are unlikely to progress and select Year 11 and 12 science ATAR courses. At the end of this unit, students who have shown their commitment and interest in the subject which is also reflected by a high standard of performance, can be transferred to study in Course 2. Throughout the year, students explore concepts including Reproduction and Genetics, and Forensic Science which provides insight into the job of a forensic detective and emphasizes the scientific method of investigation. They are also exposed to Automotive Science, emphasizing the Physics concept of motion, and general science topics including Environmental Studies
concentrating on global issues.

There is an examination at the end of the year for students in both Courses 1 and 2 to consolidate and evaluate their learning in all disciplines. Students must achieve an overall average of a ‘C’ grade in Year 10 Science to enrol in an ATAR science course in Year 11.

Elective Subjects

Astronomy and Space Science

The Year 10 Astronomy and Space Science course offers a comprehensive exploration of Astro-tourism and the future of space travel, along with cosmology (the study of the universe) and astrobiology (the search for life beyond Earth). Students will utilise the College’s robotic telescope to capture astronomical images and undertake a research project of their choice, allowing them to investigate topics of personal interest. The Space Science component includes the construction and launching of student-designed model rockets using custom materials, where students will explore the physics involved in achieving controlled rocket flight. Strong computing, scientific, and mathematical skills are recommended for students selecting this subject, as these skills will enhance engagement with the course material.


Psychology focuses on several concepts that enable students to understand how and why people behave the way they do. Students are introduced to the human brain, focusing on the major structures, and reviewing case studies illustrating the link between the brain and behaviour. They also explore the impact of external factors, such as physical activity and psychoactive drugs on an individuals’ behaviour. 

Students examine the role of social psychology in understanding human interactions and relationships to answer the question- ‘Why do people do bad things?’ They are introduced to ethics in psychological research, making reference to well documented case studies.

The course also has a focus on Mental Health as it helps build emotional resilience, promotes understanding and empathy, and reduces the stigma associated with mental health issues. This equips students with the knowledge to recognise and address their own mental health and those of their peers, fostering a supportive environment. 

This course will provide students with a good foundation for Year 11 Psychology ATAR course.

Science Experimentation

The Science Experimentation course is designed to engage students of all abilities who have a genuine interest in Science. This practical course allows students to use the scientific process to design STEM-based investigations according to their own ideas and direction, with staff guidance as needed. Students will conduct two investigations over the Semester that they will present to the rest of the class. They will share their results, methodology and conclusions, relating to scientific principles and researched findings to back up their presentation. It aims to equip students with the Science Inquiry Skills necessary for ATAR and General science courses in Years 11 and 12.









Important Dates

Year 10 students moving into Year 11 2025: course counselling survey data (Microsoft Form) is due Friday 5 July, and subject data confirmed with your course counsellor is due Friday 2 August

Year 11 students moving into Year 12 2025: subject data is due Friday 23 August

Year 7,8,9 students moving into 2025: elective data is due Friday 30 August